As part of our religion curriculum, St. Francis of Assisi prepares children for the three sacraments they receive during their grade-school years: Reconciliation, First Communion, and Confirmation. Students learn about their sacraments during religion class and through family activities at home.
Reconciliation – Fall of second grade
First Communion – Spring of second grade
Confirmation – Spring of fifth grade
We invite our non-Catholic students, if they choose, to attend the ceremonies of their fellow students. Often, they enjoy having a special role – like taking up the gifts – to be included in the celebration.
Religious Education Program
St. Francis of Assisi Church also provides religious education programs for students/family members wishing to join the Catholic Faith. Students who do not attend SFA but take part in the our Religion Education Program also complete their sacraments with the SFA students. These students participate in special classes on Sundays before Mass for their preparation.
Kids in Christ
Kids in Christ at SFA is an opportunity for students to learn more about their Catholic faith and to grow closer to Jesus through prayer. Each month we gather in Church after school for one hour. Adoration of the Holy Eucharist, seeing and venerating the many saint relics we have, touring and learning about different parts of the Church, praying rosaries, litanies, or Stations of the Cross are just a few experiences that students will have throughout the year. Fr. Jonathan Erdman is present most sessions and is always happy to answer the many questions that students have. Kids in Christ provides the students with the rare opportunity to be still and quiet even for a short time so that they can foster a relationship with Jesus and pray to Him for themselves and their loved ones.
Liturgy Participation
Students attend Mass twice per month during the school day - once with a small group of classes and once with the entire student body. Students have the opportunity throughout the year to lector, read petitions, take up the gifts, and play music during Mass. There are many special Masses throughout their year, including the Opening School Mass, when the eighth-grade students present their service hours as an offering. During Lent, the Community Stations of the Cross ceremony features speakers from many of the organizations that students know through their service work. The Closing School Mass features a May Procession to honor Mary.
Many of students also choose to participate in the parish weekend liturgies as servers, lectors and choir members. Serving and being a lector are honors available to boys and girls beginning in the fifth grade. The SFA Treble Choir members can start in fourth grade. Our Treble Choir has been featured on Mass of the Air with the Archbishop on Easter Sunday.
The Peacebuilders Program has been in place at SFA for many years, and serves as a daily reminder to all members of the school community to support one another in all that they do. Peacebuilders is a simple, child-friendly curriculum that helps students understand and claim responsibility for creating peace in their classroom and homes. The program is firmly anchored in Christ-centered values and reminds students to praise others, discourage insults, own their mistakes, and rectify injustices. The result is an atmosphere marked by non-violence, peace, and compassion.
“For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.”